Spring is just around the corner. Right?? It sure doesn't feel like it here, since we got another big dumping of snow yesterday and it's -7 degrees Celsius outside. I'm eagerly awaiting the return of yard sale season, along with the glorious banquet of spring rummage sales that are sure to appear soon.
Until then, I supposed I'll have to be content with sharing a couple of great finds I made this month. First up is this curbside find my husband scored:
A Samsonite suitcase in excellent condition. It's got a few marks on the outside but the interior is pristine. I was very pleased about this as last year I had mentioned that we really needed another suitcase. Up until now, we've squeezed clothes for all four of us into one suitcase for our family vacations. With the boys getting older (and their clothes getting much larger!) it was getting really tight last summer. Now the boys can have a whole suitcase to themselves.
I made the second great find this month:
I got this Eddie Bauer goose down-lined winter coat for just $7.50 at a Value Village 50% off day! It's in perfect condition; I don't know if anyone ever wore it. My current winter coat was over 15 years old, so I was thrilled to find such a quality replacement for such a low price (the old coat will now be reserved exclusively for winter bike riding, so I don't have to worry if I get a lot of messy road gunk all over myself!)
On the same day, I also found a lighter ski jacket for $5.00 (again, my present one was really old and getting a bit ratty). In addition, my husband tracked down five good quality men's dress shirts (including an Eddie Bauer and a Ralph Lauren), paying a total of $16.95 for the lot.
What great finds have you made lately?
No Spend March Update
4 hours ago
blogged about this very subject the other day!
Great scores! We went thrifting and found some cording (.25) I wanted for cushion piping and a great pair of black dress pumps (4.69) for my daughter, a typewriter cassette (.75) for my dad, and some odd lots of embroidery floss for my husband's fly tying (.25). My mother is clearing out her fabric stash so I came away with loads of little print scraps, some dating back to my childhood clothing, for a quilt I am making as well as several yards of assorted uncut fabrics. I see a few skirts, tops, pj pants, in that pile. I used to sew nearly all my clothing, but fabric and patterns have become so expensive, that I usually just thrift ready made clothing, or use thrifted yardage and modify my old or thrifted patterns. It's snowing horizontally here today, so I'm simmering a ham bone for stock and soaking some dried beans for the freezer while I work on my quilt and wait for spring. Might make some more of your butterscotch pudding, I used some of the dark brown sugar I stocked up on at Superstore before Christmas. Everyone really liked it.
@Karen-those are some great finds! I wish I wasn't so intimidated by my sewing machine - I have a big pile of clothes that have great "potential" if only I got around to altering them a bit. Glad your gang enjoyed the butterscotch pudding - we just had it here again last week! And thanks for reminding me that I need to get some beans soaking so I can cook them tomorrow :)