Noah's closet has gone from this:

to this:
I plan to get the remaining items cleared out this weekend and get the shelf and hardware removed so we can start stripping the wallpaper (the same attractive stuff that was in our front entranceway before we redid it last year!)
As we've been cleaning out Noah's room to prepare for moving the boys into the attic, we've found quite a few things that need a new home. I dropped off a box of books and toys and a big bag of clothes to my neighbour with two younger boys last weekend.
This stack of pajamas and boxer shorts is getting posted on Freecycle later today:
And we do have a couple of things we can list on Kijiji, too, like this big box of Uberstix sets (proceeds to go towards Noah's summer camp fund!)
As usual, I'm amazed at how many things there are in our house that we no longer need. Considering how few purchases we make, I wonder how so much stuff accumulates!
Even though we have not made huge progress towards our final goal, it does finally feel like we have some momentum going on this project; I am hoping to have more updates very soon!
Have you been purging, reorganizing or redoing anything this spring?
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