Ah!!! Finally - a warm and sunny Saturday morning. After not getting much yard sale action the past couple of weeks due to holding our own sale and some miserable weather last week, I was eager to get out today. There was a huge street sale being held nearby (it's held annually and a very popular event!) Often many houses in the neighbourhood "piggyback" onto this sale, taking advantage of the steady stream of shoppers. So it's a great "one stop shopping" opportunity.
Normally I head out on my bike alone, but my family likes to tag along for this street sale, so off we all went in the van. Before we left I had headed out on my bike to hit a couple sales really close by my house while my hubby got the boys fed and ready to roll. I came home with two good quality blank journals in pristine condition (I paid $1 each for them, which was a bit more than I normally would, but it was a charity fundraiser and I don't haggle at those!)
We hit three more yard sales on the way to the street sale, then spent a long time wandering around at the main event. We came home with:
-a set of four 2x4 furniture books (my hubby loves these - they're a great source of inspiration for building with scrap wood!) We paid $1.50 for the set and there was a price tag showing the original cost for the set as $103!!
-a set of four framed historic prints of our city for $9.50 - one frame will need the glass replaced and we'll probably spray paint the frames black. I have just the spot for them on our dining room wall, where a lonely Monet print from my university days has been hanging out for far too long!
-a set of two molds for making tortillas into taco bowls for 50 cents
-a "natural" candle and scented oil gift set (brand new) which also includes a candle holder and smooth rocks to put in the holder for 50 cents (going in my gift cupboard)
-a garden journal and "practical gardening" book - both in brand new condition, for $1 each (also going in my gift cupboard, but not for long as I already have a specific recipient and occasion in mind!)
-a set of black and silver earrings for $1
Grand total for the day: 15 items for $17 or $1.13 per item.
My boys also found themselves a few deals (they're taking after their mama!). They each got a GameCube game for $4, plus my older son found a long-handled net for 60 cents (he'd been wanting to buy one at Value Village for $1.99 a few weeks ago and I encouraged him to wait, which paid off!) My younger son picked up an Indiana Jones whip and a toy made out of that disgusting rubbery plastic stuff (blech).
A good time was had by all, and we came home with some great deals, too! I definitely feel like I got a good yard sale fix after this morning's outing.
I was just hitting "post" on this report when my hubby walked in the door from a bike ride and informed me there was another unadvertised yard sale we had to go check out with lots of shoes and clothes (he'd ridden past it on the way home). So we biked on over to take a look and found these:
-a pair of funky brown corduroy Converse-style sneakers for hubby
-a pair of never-been-worn slippers for my younger son (I'm tucking them away for Christmas)
-a pair of fabric Mary Jane style spring & summer shoes for me (they're a size 10, which is a minor miracle - I have a hard time finding shoes to fit my long and skinny feet!)
We paid $1.00 each for these, bringing our new total to $20 for 18 items, or $1.11 per item.
If you made any great yard sale finds this week, please tell me all about it by leaving a comment!
100 More Reasons To Be a Non-Consumer!
12 hours ago
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