I had another unexpectedly good morning out yard sale-ing, considering as how it's the long weekend and it seems like half the population of the city has left for the weekend. I hit four sales today (with two more to check out tomorrow that are Sunday-only).
On my first stop of the morning, I hit a big free pile so of course I gave it a good digging through. I got *all* of the following items for free:
-two cute snowman gift tins
-dancing pig gift tin
-kitchen scale
-two unopened rolls of shelf liner
-mostly-full box of Christmas cards (15 cards left, with envelopes)
-cloth napkin
I was really excited about the kitchen scale as my old one broke a while ago and I've been going a little batty with all my recipes that call for an ounce of this or two-and-a-half ounces of that! I also like to use a scale to divide up portions of meat for freezing so I get the same amount in each bag.
I tried really hard to find something I wanted to buy at this lady's sale but all the good stuff was in the free pile, lol! I was a little embarrassed to be taking so much for free without making a purchase, so I asked her if she was sure she didn't want any money for the items I'd chosen but she told me just to go ahead and take them. Okay :)
The morning was definitely off to an excellent start! Next up:
-a pair of like-new winter gloves for one of my boys
-a floral frog (the first one I've ever found despite all the flea market books saying how common they are) I'm going to use it for a penholder in my office and it might actually get used for its intended purpose once in a while, too!
I paid $2 total for these.
At the next sale I got an awesome Nike jacket for $5:
This will be perfect for cycling or my exercise walks on nippy spring and fall mornings!
At the final sale of the morning, I found several more goodies:
-long sleeve white T for me (excellent quality fabric and super soft - fits me perfectly!) for $1.00
-flirty little summer top for $1.00 (this one will require about 2 minutes of sewing to tame one of the sleeves that "poofs" out slightly too much - other than that it looks great on me!)
-black cotton skirt for $1.00 (it looks really washed out in this photo for some reason but it's not)
And finally:
-a matching game set for young kids (basically a junior version of Concentration) and travel tangram puzzle set for $2 (both in brand-new condition; these are going in my gift cupboard).
Grand total for the day: $12 for 16 items, or 75 cents per item
Did you find any great bargains this week?
Five Tiny But Important Frugal Things
2 hours ago